Are you new to Social Media Marketing?
Have you been trying to create a presence on social media without much success?
Are you unsure of where to start and how to approach Social Media entirely?
Don’t worry I got you covered. Let’s begin with the basics. Social Media is the sharing of information, perspectives, and experiences amongst a variety of different people online. It includes but is not limited to user-generating sites such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Forums, Blogs, and Podcasts.
Social Media Marketing is a process that allows individuals or groups to promote their products and services through websites and online channels that allow them to expand their reach to a much larger community. By using Social Media Marketing, it allows companies and businesses to increase brand awareness, traffic, and clients or customers.
The community-first approach to Social Media Marketing is all about making sure not only do you win, but your community wins as well. It starts by building trusting relationships with people online and even locally. It starts with listening before acting. What does the community need, and how can you be of service to them? It all starts with engaging with those you are intending to impact. Why? Because people value connections more than “being sold to”.
When using the community-first approach, you must understand that this isn’t transactional but more so transformational. Putting your community first allows your community to see that you really care that you hear them, you see them, you respect them, and you are in this with them. Once you establish that level of trust, nothing can come between it. This is for the long haul, not for a short time, so you must ensure you stay engaged and follow through with your commitment and your community will follow.
We’ve all seen it before someone tells us everything we need to hear, and we support them with an expectation of receiving the same support, and then…Boom Nothing! All this does is cause you to lose in the long run. Once trust is gone, it is very hard to get back. Therefore, it is very important to make commitments to the community that you can really keep.
Pros of Community First Approach with Social Media Marketing:
Using the community-first approach with social media marketing empowers individuals to make social change and do social good on a community level.
Beneficial for both small businesses and corporations.
Helps empower businesses by being able to connect on social networking sites and gives business owners a support group not readily found offline.
Cons of Community First Approach with Social Media Marketing:
Can lead to stress and overwhelm without the proper strategies.
Less time interacting face-to-face.
Overall using the community-first approach in social media marketing is a sure way to gain the respect and trust of your online peers. In today’s post-pandemic climate Social Media Marketing is at an all-time high and is looking to increase greatly over the next few years